Magic Notion

Creators of Kitty Powers' Matchmaker!

Kitty Powers' Speed Date - Boosters and Locations!

Guest User

Hi Kittens!

It’s me again, Kitty Powers, back with another informative article about my new game, Kitty Powers’ Speed Date, which will be available on November 22nd on all mobile platforms! Ooh! I can’t wait! Anyway, this time it’s about boosters and multipliers! Let’s start with boosters, shall we?

Kitty Boosters can be applied to an event at any location! (Image not necessarily representative of final quality.)

Kitty Boosters can be applied to an event at any location! (Image not necessarily representative of final quality.)

The French Restaurant Location Booster starts you on a 2x Multiplier! (Image not necessarily representative of final quality.)

The French Restaurant Location Booster starts you on a 2x Multiplier! (Image not necessarily representative of final quality.)

There are two types of boosters, Kitty Boosters and Location Boosters. Kitty Boosters can be used at any location, and Location Boosters, which are applied only at the specific location. Boosters are used for all sorts of things, including adding extra time, automatically revealing information about a candidate, boosting coin rewards, and other things that will make your job as a Speed Dating coach that much easier! You can apply two Kitty Boosters to an event (once you’ve levelled up enough), plus whatever the Location Booster is, giving a maximum of three boosters in effect!

One thing to bear in mind is that, apart from when you first unlock a new Kitty Booster, they have to be paid for with coins in advance! It’s  a good job I’m so generous with coins then, isn’t it Kittens!

Anyway, that’s enough for one day! Before I go, I just want to make sure you know about all the wonderful merchandise that’s available in my shop at! Why don’t you take a peek right now? Lovely!

take care, Kittens

Love Kitty Powers X